Protocols for COVID-19
In births I follow the lead of my clients and mask if I ever have any concerns for my own transmission of illness or if it fits their preferences. I have no problem masking at any time.
I will mask if Covid levels feel at all concerning or I have been exposed to any illnesses, and I am always happy to wear a KN-95 or higher grade mask for your comfort.
Please remove your shoes and wash your hands immediately upon arrival
I clean an disinfect surfaces regluarly
Both spaces are private and there is hardly ever overlap between clients in the hall.
There are air filters running in both offices
I am vaccinated and boosted
If you are feeling at all unwell do not come in to the office; I will do "paid reschedule" instead of "paid cancellation" should you need to cancel for possible covid symptoms or exposure
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me at contact@parkplacemassage.com